Liquid Storage Tanks for site specific applications. 

  • In House Engineering
  • Seismic Calculations
  • Wind Calculations
  • Civil Sealed Wet Stamp Engineering
  • Fully Engineered Storage Solutions
  • NFPA 22 Tanks 

Benefits of Contain Water Tanks

VS the Typical Welded & Bolted Tanks

  • Competively Priced - Signifcant savings vs bolted or welded tanks
  • 20 Year Warranty - vs the typical one or two year warranty
  • 9 Time the Tensile Strength
  • Resistant to Buckling During an Earthquake
  • Engineered Drawings generally in 2 weeks or less
  • Manufactured generally in 4 weeks or less
  • Normal Tank Erection in 3 to 5 Days

Fire Protection Water Storage Systems 

Superior quality

Brodz Sales is proud to represent Contain Water Systems above ground water storage tanks.

Contain Water Systems provides galvanized corrugated steel above ground water storage tanks for numerous applications including tanks conforming to the requirements of NFPA 22. These NFPA 22 fire water tanks offer a more cost effective alternative to the typical welded and bolted steel tanks with faster delivery and a 20 year unmatched warranty - the longest in the industry.  All Contain Water NFPA 22 tanks are engineered to specific project requirements including seismic, snow loads and wind speed, and are professionally erected on site by a team of certified installers.

In addition to NFPA 22 tanks, Contain Water also provides tanks for numerous other applications including potable water, storm and rain water retention, irrigation and wastewater, and secondary containment. Please contact us for your specific project requirements.